
Thursday, July 9, 2015

Book Review: Hachiko

Author: Pamela Turner

Summary from Goodreads:
This book follows Hachiko, the loyal dog. A children’s book, but one that told a powerful story about being devoted. I enjoyed this book very much.

Personal Review:

My husband recommended this book to me. I didn’t realize that it was a children’s book as there is a full length movie. That said, I loved the story all of the same. I think anyone who has a dog would get captured in this story. I loved the tribute to his life and the memory of his loyalty.

It is especially interesting to read the history at the end of the book that talks about the annual festival. It was also neat to read the information that talks about how the first statue had to be melted down during the war, but that they put it back following the war.

Happy Reading!

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