
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Fall Reads On Your TBR

Hi Everyone,

It’s been awhile since I have done a Top Ten Tuesday list, so I decided to jump in on the fun today! This week’s theme is Top Ten Fall Reads on Your TBR. I am a little embarrassed to admit this, but I have let my TBR list get a little out of hand. I have always had books that I would like to read, but I have never had this many books ‘stacked’ up waiting for me to read.


To that end, my ‘Top Ten Fall Reads List’ is actually my TBR (of books I own) for the rest of the year. (FYI: there is a group called #0by16 and I have been following along with them in their quest to get their TBR’s down to zero before 2016 as well.) I really would like to get through the 30 books that I currently have on my TBR list. In an effort to not overwhelm and duplicate, please follow the link to that page.

However, for simplicity purposes, I have broken them into a couple of categories here for your review:

Beautiful Covers (Yes, sometimes I do judge a book by its cover)
Fates and Furies
Fake Fruit Factory
The Headmaster’s Darlings

Animal Books
Black Cat Crossing

Hostage Taker
The Hunter’s Prayer
Basket Case
Secret Sixth Sense
A Very Dangerous Spy
Underground in Berlin

Stand Alone Books
Forever Your Earl
Newt’s Emerald
Orbiting Jupiter
Ocean Country
Game of Thrones –Book #1
American Mojo
It’s About Love

Make Me a Better Person
Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight
The Coaching Solution
Your Sacred Yes
I Know How She Does It

Books still on their way to me
Got Your Attention?
Lock and Mori
White Matter
The Paleo Cardiologist

These will hopefully be complete in conjunction with my regular reads! So lots of adventures ahead!
Does anyone else think that there is just not enough time in the day for reading? What books are you trying to read this Fall? I’d love to hear from you! 

Happy Reading! 

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