
Saturday, January 16, 2016

#24in48 readathon

Six Hour Check In

  1. Where in the world are you reading from this weekend? Northern VA/DC
  2. Have you done the 24in48 readathon before? Nope, first time
  3. Where did you hear about the readathon? I think I found it in a google search for readathons!
  4. What book are you most excited about reading this weekend? All of them!
  5. Tell us something about yourself. I am a book blogger as well!
  6. Remind us where to find you online this weekend. Twitter-@hesaidbooksorme

Wrap Up Post

  1. How many books did you read? Pages? I read a total of 4 books or 1,071 pages.
  2. How many hours did you read? I didn't keep track.
  3. What do you think worked well in this readathon? I liked that I picked a variety of books, so I could pick up whatever fit my mood.
  4. What do you think could be done to improve the readathon for next time? Nothing from the organizers, but from my point I think I need to be a bit more strategic in the books I want to read.
  5. Will you participate in a future 24in48 readathon? Likely if it fits my schedule! 


Overview of Books I Finished

A Confederacy of Dunces
In this book, Ignatuis, the main character in the book experiences a series of strange and unusual events that intertwines a variety of characters and situations. The book read much like a series of short stories instead of one continuous one. I picked it up because we are going to be traveling to New Orleans in a few weeks and this is the setting for the book.

I Can Barely Take Care of Myself
In this book, comedian Jen Kirkman discusses her decision to remain childfree. She shares stories about conversations and thoughts she has had on the topic. An interesting book about the things people say to others and interesting book.

Keefer: The People's Choice
A book about a racing greyhound and his claim to fame. I got this one as a gift from my mother in law and I enjoyed it alot. I have a greyhound, but have never been to the track before, so I enjoyed this insider view about the sport. Whether you agree or not, for me it always will be about the dogs and this one was legendary.

Happy Reading!

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