
Saturday, September 23, 2017

Book Review: The Moonlight Meeting

Hi Everyone!

I am stopping by with letting you know about a wonderful addition to the nocturnal collection, The Moonlight Meeting. In this book about animals, we get another adventure with the crew we have gotten to know in this series.

I appreciated this book very much because it is geared at some of the younger readers. Much like the regular series, there are insights about the animals, the world around them, and so much education packed into the story.

I liked the add ons to this book. There are pictures, a bonus section that tells you about the animals, etc. This book was so much more than just a book. Thank you for the opportunity to read this.

Disclaimer: I was awarded this book from the publisher. Though I did not pay for the book, the opinions are strictly my own. 

Happy Reading!


  1. I do love a strong male lead in uniform!

  2. Sorry, I put my comment in the wrong box! This comment is for Assassin by Day by Tessa Robertson.
