
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I Love (My all time faves!)

Hi Everyone!

Today's Top Ten Tuesday is a Valentine's Day freebie. Given that, I have decided to share with you all the books that I love most in the world. These are my favorites! If you have not had a chance to read them, I highly recommend going to the bookstore and picking them up as soon as possible!

1) The Richest Man in Town-I love this book. The moral of the story, how the author speaks about the book, all of it.

2) The Happiness Project-This is probably the book that has made the most sense to me in my life. I resonate with alot of what the author was saying and it was great to add to your life little pieces of Happiness!

3) Barefoot-I love all of Elin Hilderbrand's books, but this one especially! Luckily for me she has a new one coming out in June!

4) Eat Pray Love-This book has lots of what I adore-travel, food, and finding yourself. This book spoke to me. I loved it!

5) The Glass Castle-This book moved me in so many ways. I cannot imagine being in the situation of the author, but it was so good. The writing was excellent!

6) The Diary of a Young Girl-My favorite book from high school. I loved learning about the world around Anne Frank!

7) Ready Player One-This one is more of a 'video games' meets 'adventure' book. I loved it all the same. It was an excellent read!

8) Hollowing Out the Middle-As you know, I grew up in a small town. This one talks about that experience in a way that makes sense to me.

9) Adopting a Racing Greyhound-An excellent resource book for anyone has considered adopting a furry friend! Well worth the read.

and finally,

10) My Life in France-The story of Julia Child. It was an interesting read filled with her experiences, yummy food, and all about France. I loved visiting there and it was fun to see it through her eyes.

What are your favorite books to read?

Happy Reading! 


  1. The Glass Castle totally wrecked me in high school, I just felt so bad for Walls. The life the author lived made me so sad and appreciative of my lot in life!

    My TTT.

    Also, feel free to check out our giveaway!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I hear you. It was a book that made me feel alot. I will stop by your list shortly! :) Thanks again.
