Hi Everyone!
Just stopping by with another Top Ten Tuesday!
This week's topic is Ten Books I Enjoyed That Weren't My Typical Genre. As many of you know, these are the types of books I usually read.
When I got to thinking about this, I could basically categorize it into three main buckets. One of those genre's actually went from not reading-- to one I enjoy very much.
Without further ado, here is my list:
Group 1: Sci Fi/Fantasy Books-I usually don't read much from this genre at all, but I feel these books have crossed the lines and have been done in a really neat way. I enjoyed them all.
1. Ready Player One
2. The Martian
3. Alan Turing
Group 2: Children's Books. I love them, always have, always will! As an adult, I don't often read them though. However, there have been a few exceptions to that rule and I have enjoyed these very much.
1. The Very Persistent Gappers of Frip
2. Hachiko: The True Story of a Loyal Dog
Group 3: Graphic Novels. I never used to read them, but now that I have started, I can't get enough! It has been fun exploring the topics out there and this has become one of my main reads.
1. LumberJanes Vol. 1 and 2
2. Rat Queens Vol 1 and 2
3. Steve Jobs: Insanely Great
What are some of your favorite cross over genres? More details about each of these books on my GoodReads page. Feel free to add me as a friend so we can compare notes!
Happy Reading!