I am sucker for nostalgia, so when I saw people posting their favorites, I knew that I had to do it too. This tag was created by the The Literary Phoenix. Growing up in the 90’s was an experience and relating some of those nostalgic memories to books should be fun!
The Rules
- Please, please, please steal this tag and spread it around! I only ask that you link it back to The Literary Phoenix so that I can see everyone’s answers!
- Freeze tag was all the rage in the 90s. Tag someone (or many) you think would have fun with this!
- Have fun!

The Babysitters Club
The author you need every book from.
Ann M. Martin was my hero! I loved her books more than I could ever say. Still do!MSN
MSN Messenger – how 90s kids communicated with their friends after school before everyone had a cell phone.
Book that connected you with your best friend.
Not a book...literally the truth though.
Book that seemed like a good idea but was actually a monster.
Sweet Valley

A book you hated to say Bye, Bye, Bye to.
For me I think that was the Sweet Valley Series. Luckily for me we got lots of spin offs! TV shows, the College Years, and even a few years ago a revival! :)Oregon Trail
90s computer game you could usually play
at school, which was great. It taught us people used to die a lot of
gruesome, messy deaths.

A book that made you wish you died of dysentery.
LOL, I think that was any mandatory reads for English class. If I read them on my own, no biggie! :)Mixtape/CD
Back before everyone had music on their
phones (remember, we didn’t have cell phones!) folks would rip their CDs
and make mixes for each other.

3 books you recommend to anyone, anywhere, no matter what.
-The Glass Castle-My Life in France
-Ready Player One!
Dial-Up Internet
You know how it’s annoying when you aren’t

A book that took FOR FREAKING EVER to read.
Again...not sure.Kenan Thompson
He’s that guy who’s been on SNL forever. Also Mighty Ducks. Good Burger. Keenan and Kel. All That. Everything.

That book you see referenced everywhere and is in everything, but that’s okay because it’s awesome
The Happiness Project! :) YES, I love this book and it is okay with me that it shows up everywhere!Thumbs Up, Seven Up
A game where most the class closed their
eyes and seven people tapped someone’s thumb and you had to guess who
did it without peeking.

Book where you peeked just REAL quick at the ending because you don’t like guessing games.
Any of the BSC Mysteries! :) I had to be sure it would turn out okay!Dunkaroos
These were basically just Teddy Grahams dipped in frosting, which is still a wonderful snack idea.

Your ideal bookish snack.
Cup of something warm! Coffee, Hot Chocolate, depends on my mood!Scary Stories to Tell In The Dark
Collections of short stories that would scare any sensible kid! Plus, there were illustrations…

A book that kept you up all night.
The Goosebump books! But I still love them :)
That is it for The 90s Kid Book Tag! I hope you all enjoyed it. I would like to tag each and every one of you for this and please don’t forget to check out The Literary Phoenix.
Happy Reading!
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